Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Looking for old Bost photos

Another main reason that I created this blog is to see if any of you have any old Bost photos that might be included in the book.  I need to talk to my cousins who are more familiar with the book and find out if it needs pictures.  I would think that with the Internet to help us we can probably find photos that the writer of the book could not find by the old manual methods. 

So I need to figure out a way for you to send me a scan of your old Bost family or homestead photos.     


Bost History Book needs to be published.

Several years ago one of my cousins who has done extensive Bost history research since she was a teenager (and she is 70 now!) told me about a book that would soon be published about our family.  About this time last year I found out that another relative of mine got the book ready to be published by taking old computer disks and updating them to the new word processor form for a third relative of mine who edited the text along with my 70-year-old cousin.  That's the good news.  The bad news was that the disks had been given to a historical society for publication several years ago and that they were no longer at the historical society.  However, my dad's first cousin was very confident that the person with the disks was trustworthy, so I feel better about that, but I cannot believe that this precious research is on a single set of disks and there are no back-up copies. 

One of the main reasons I started this blog is to let people know about the book and to begin collecting a list of people who might be interested in buying a copy of it, if it ever gets published.  I promise you that I am doing my best to make sure that it does.

The book is years of painstaking research by another relative.  I will give more information later.  But if you see my blog before then, and you are interested in possibly buying a copy of the book when it comes out, then become a follower of my blog.  When I post updates I think that you will get an email telling you that I did.  What I get out of it is a rough idea of how many people might buy the book if me and my cousins get it published.  If I can figure out a way to do it in the next week or so, I will put something on the page to let you tell me if you are not interested in buying it, slightly interested, very interested, or definitely will buy it.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Welcome to Bost Family History!

Welcome to Bost Family History!  My name is Ralph Herman Bost, Jr. (but I go by Butch).  I had the great fortune of being raised in an area where I was surrounded by my relatives.  My dad's house sits on part of the original land grant given to pioneer William Bost.  This is located just outside of Newton, NC on Old Saint Paul's Church Road, or at least that's what it was called when I was growing up.  It has a different name now.  According to family tradition, the historic church was built by my Bost ancestors.  - Butch